The CID informed Colombo Additional Magistrate Nishantha Peiris yesterday (24th) that records of telephone calls said to have been given from the Presidential Secretariat and Temple Trees to OIC Narahenpita Police on the day popular rugby player Wasim Thajudeen was murdered have been erased.
The CID informed the Magistrate that the officials responsible for the record of such telephone calls have erased the records, they have resigned from their posts and the CID has commenced investigations regarding those officials.
The CPU of the computer that includes information regarding the relevant telephone calls has been found, investigation regarding this too has commenced and this information regarding the CPU was given by two officials of the Presidential Secretariat stated the CID.
Meanwhile, the Magistrate ordered the senior state counsel to apprise the Court regarding Attorney General’s stand on former Senior DIG being admitted to a paying ward in Colombo National Hospita