Owing to the suspicious nature of the death of the driver as disclosed by his his wife, the Negombo additional magistrate Kapila Dushantha Epitawela after taking into consideration her request had directed the Colombo chief consultant judiciary medical officer and his team of medical officers to conduct the postmortem.
The deceased is 30 year old A.Rukman Lal, a father on one child, resident of Panamura Ethgaala area in Embilipitiya had died while working in Saudi Arabia.The remains of the dead body with a related medical reported had been sent to Sri Lanka sealed with the cause of the death termed as owing to a rare dangerous virus had entered into his body.
Once the body was sent to the Bandaranaike International airport the inquirer into sudden deaths had instructed the chief consultant judiciary medical officer to conduct the postmortem examination.It had been stated on the label that in the event the contents are opened it may result in a dangerous situation as the dangerous virus may harm others.Hence the chief consultant judiciary medical officer had refused to examine the dead body
The wife of the deceased a medical nurse attached to the United Nations had complained to the Negombo Magistarate that she suspects the death of her husband.Then the Negombo magistrate had ordered the postmortem to be carried by the chief consultant judiciary medical office Colombo and his team to conduct the postmortem.The postmortem is to be held on the September 29th if they find that it is safe to conduct a medical examination of the body..
The sub inspector of police at the Bandaranaike International Airport Jayantha Silva had conducted into the complaint.Attorney at Law Gayani Jayasinghe has appeared for the wife of the deceased.The dead body has been kept in the same manner it was sent at the mortuary of the Negombo national hospital until the 29th September.