Spider girl in Wanduramba

It has been reported from Wanduramba area in Galle about a girl who shows her skill in climbing along walls with the aid of both her hands and legs. This girl Ragamini Yasaswi Ponnamperuma is just 8 years of age.

She is capable of climbing up against the wall without any form of support and then even remain between the walls with both her hands and legs. Thus she is capable of
remaining up there for ten or fifteen minutes without any discomfort. This girl who is pursuing her studies at Galle Wanduramba Maha Vidyalaya is said to be involved in Karate too. She has in fact been motivated for this previously mentioned skill after watching a particular television programme.

"Nobody told me how to climb up the walls. On the programme 'Meka puduma lokaya' I saw a person minus the hands showing a particular skill. I felt like keeping my legs little by little and climb up along the wall. That's how I climbed up the wall. I can climb along grills and windows. The sport that I like best is gymnastics. Our school doesn't have the sport of gymnastics. Because of that I ask the Education Minister uncle to find me a school which has this sport", she says.